- Transcript from The Old Bailey:
WILLIAM WOOLLAMS , burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Thomas Neyler, and stealing 1 telescope, 6 spoons, 1 pair of sugar-tongs, and other articles, value 2l. 17s.; his goods: having been twice before convicted.—2nd COUNT, receiving the same.
THOMAS NEYLER . I keep the Railway Tavern, Plumstead. On 20th Nov., before I went to bed, I locked my doors and windows, and left everything safe—I went to bed at one o'clock—I left a telescope hanging over the door in the bar—my man, who is not here, called me up at five—I heard him cry out, and was down almost as quick as him—I missed six silver tea-spoons, a pair of sugar-tongs, a pestle, a hat, waistcoat, telescope, two boxes of cigars, some tobacco, and six bottles of stout—two bottles of wine had been drank, and a decanter of pale brandy—this is the telescope (produced)—I am certain of it.
JAMES BROWN (policeman, F 142). On 23rd Nov. I met the prisoner in Long Acre, about half-past eleven o'clock, with something under his coat—I stopped him, and asked what he had got—he said, "Nothing"—I put my hand under his coat, and took out this telescope—he said it was his father's, and he was going to pledge it for him—I asked where his father lived—he said, "In Drury-lane"—I took him to the station—he there said his father lived at 7, Star-court, Cross-lane, Newton-street, Holborn—I went there, and found it was correct.
Prisoner's Defence. I was in Long-acre, and was asked if I would earn a few halfpence by pledging the telescope for 15s.; I went, but could only get 5s., and was taking it back, when I met the policeman; I thought if I said it belonged to my father he would let me go.
HENRY WREN (policeman, E 118). I produce a certificate from Clerkenwell—(read—Convicted Aug. 1846, on his own confession; Confined three months)—I was present; the prisoner is the person.
WILLIAM JONES (policeman, D 157). I produce a certificate from Clerkenwell—(read—Convicted Feb. 1850; Confined eight months)—I was present; he is the person.
GUILTY on 2nd Count.— Transported for Ten Years